Saturday, March 6, 2010


Flaws, we all have them. Some are more noticeable and worse than others. While some people may be arrogant or argumentative, others are dishonest or conceited. A few are perfectionists and some are stubborn. Where some are combative or selfish, others are humorless or vain. Not everyone has every flaw, but I'm pretty sure everyone has at least a couple. Too often we are overly critical of ourselves or we always see ourselves through rose-colored glasses. Either way we stick to the ends of the spectrum and get no where productive. A few years ago I was taught to always attempt to see others as their mother's see them...and my mom thinks I'm perfect, so you get the drift. Everyone on this earth is perfectly imperfect. We all have flaws. I want to try to learn to celebrate flaws, not judge them.


  1. "ocassionaly i hit people with my car. sue me." hahahaha! i love this video!

  2. You only have great fflaws. I celebrate yours. But I need to judge so many others less. Thanks. As always.

  3. We are all perfectly imperfect indeed. Flaws make us who we are. We need to enjoy them, and celebrate our own. This is great!

  4. I just wrote a blog about being perfectly imperfect. I really miss you! Come home to me!

  5. I just wrote a blog about being perfectly imperfect. I miss you Brycen! Come home to me!
